_ Fulvio Monti associate architect
degree cum laude in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano; Registered Architect at the National Architect's Register in Milan (Ordine degli Architetti) since 2000; Building and Safety Coordinator since 2007, CENED+ Building Energy Certifier since 2011

_ Marco Tomassini associate engineer
degree in Building Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Registered Engineer at the National Engineer's Register in Milan (Ordine degli Ingegneri) since 2004; CENED+ Building Energy Certifier since 2011

Fulvio and Marco worked or collaborated with arch.ing.Giovanni Bracci (Damatraa associate till 2007); with studio prof.arch.Enrico Davide Bona in Milan and Genoa till 2004; with studio arch.Marco Andreoni till 2004; with 5+1 Associati in Genoa in 2001; with studio arch.Marco Ferreri in Milan in 2001.

Since 2007 they both are Teaching Assistants at the Politecnico di Milano - BEST Building and Environment Science and Technology Department - prof.arch.Emilio Pizzi and prof.ing.M.L.Trani courses.
They were involved in research activity with prof.arch.Enrico Davide Bona at UNIGE Università degli Studi di Genova.
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